Persistent oral habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting can significantly impact your child’s dental health. While it is normal for children to suck their thumbs or fingers up to age 4, prolonged habits can lead to dental issues such as open bites, misaligned teeth and jaw problems. The constant pressure exerted by the tongue when swallowing, speaking or resting can also cause teeth and arches to shift out of alignment.

To address these concerns, Preston Center Pediatric Dentistry offers a range of habit appliances designed to help your child break these harmful habits. Thumb sucking appliances are crafted to discourage the habit by making it uncomfortable for the child to continue. On the other hand, tongue thrust appliances work more like physical therapy tools, helping retrain the muscles of the tongue to prevent it from pushing against the teeth.

When you visit our office, our skilled pediatric dentist will collaborate with you and your child to determine the most effective appliance and treatment plan. We understand that each child is unique, and our approach is always tailored to meet individual needs, ensuring that your child can achieve optimal oral health and a beautiful smile.

In addition to using habit appliances, Dr. John Riehs may recommend simple strategies you can implement at home. For instance, placing a glove or sock over the child’s hand can serve as a gentle reminder to avoid thumb sucking. Identifying and addressing any underlying anxiety that may be causing your child to suck their fingers can also be beneficial.

Our goal is to provide comprehensive care that supports your child’s overall wellbeing. For more information about our habit appliances in Dallas, Texas, and to schedule a consultation, please contact our office at 214-838-3210. We are committed to helping your child develop healthy habits for a lifetime of excellent oral health.